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Need help becoming
a better writer?

I can help.

“Famed” Sportswriter @

“My son’s SAT ‘verbals’ improved by 160 points after working with Henry.”
– D.V. Stamford Mom

What I Do

I’ll help you choose between the ACT and SAT

Writing assignments and essay tests will no longer be something to fear

I can ease worries that LDs will pose problems for the ACT or SAT and for writing assignments

I can ease your worries about the ACT and SAT and college admission essays

I can help with AP English Language or Literature and AP US History

I can ease your worries about the ISEE, SSAT, SHSAT and HSPT



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Writing + College Essays

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“Henry has given my daughter the confidence to write and express her thoughts clearly and concisely, and he has made a huge difference in her approach to writing. She no longer dreads getting an assignment.”

– C.C., Stamford mother

For Businesses

Emails & Correspondence



Marketing and Copyediting

Contact Henry

Office: 203.461.8312
Cell: 203.554.4004
Skype: henry.hecht23
Email: [email protected]


All Things Verbal

Any problem with words?

I can help.

Contact me today.

It doesn’t cost anything to talk.